
The Sensuality of Famous Actress

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Anne Hathaway

Anne HathawayThe famous actress in The Princess Diary is characterized by sensual lips and big eyes. Aura beauty is often equated with the legendary actress, Sophia Loren.

The core of this makeup is to let the lips; eyes and brows so thick central focus of makeup. Apply cream eye makeup primers (a kind of cream base eye shadow) before applying eye shadow color for 'exit'.

Choose eye shadow gray or dark brown, brushing to outer eye corner. Dab blush pink, and red berry lipstick last outward appearance.

Keira Knightley

Keira KnightleyFriendly personality coupled with her British accent is thick make sexy Keira Knightley has a unique aura. Dressed a natural style is also very interesting.

How, select the primary face (successor function in the form of cream foundation which merit makes the makeup looks light and flat).

Affirm shape eyebrows with shadow brown eyebrows. Apply eye shadow thin gray around the eyelids and thicken at the end of the outer eye. Choose a peach blusher and brush thin shading in the bulge area of the cheek bones, forehead, and temples. Finish off with a nude color lipstick and lip gloss.

Liv Tyler

Liv TaylorSteven Tyler's daughter inherited his unique lips rock star. A little thin, but wide and sexy. He is known to always appear with natural makeup that could release her inner beauty.

Although it look easy, creating a natural makeup actually need a lot of tricks. The important thing is to use moisturizers and foundations that fit your skin type, but also can close all the stain perfectly.

Put a dark brown eye shadow, then frames the eyes with liquid eyeliner. Pinch eyelashes, and then apply mascara. Give a little shading on the cheek bone, then a young orange Dab blusher. Apply lipstick and lip gloss lip color.


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