Personal Hygiene is very very essential. A person should not feel awkward standing next to you. Lets face it, people like to be really close to people who are hot, right? So make sure that you shower daily and that your clothes are clean. Brush your teeth and use a good deodorant. Avoid having hair where they are not required (if you know what I mean). Yes, I know it will not be visible, but it will make a big difference in the way you carry yourself.
How to Look Hot – Step 3
Do not try to follow a fashion trend, if you are not comfortable with it. The biggest mistake that many “wannabe hotties” make is that they blindly follow fashion trends. Honey, you are not a wannabe, so you will not make that mistake. Make sure that you are aware of the latest fashion trends but follow only the ones that suit you. For example, if the new trend is tank top and hot shorts, and if you are a little chubby (not fat, chubby!!) then you can skip the trend and stick to the confidence and comfort of your regular attire.
How to Look Hot – Step 4
Confidence is the key. The most important characteristic that is common in all of the people in the list above is confidence. Inspite of their quirks and flaws, the reason why they have reached a level of being adored and admired is because they are confident in their skin. Once you are confident, no amout of cheerleader bullying and jock talk can take you down! So, be confident and you will radiate a glow that will attract everyone (I am not being philosophical, true story!).
How to Look Hot – Step 5
Be proud of your friends. Always remember, one is what their company makes them, nonetheless, it is not fair to let go of your friends in order to be hot. Ample chick flicks and teen movies would agree with me on this one. Your friends have been with you in your “non hot” days, so don’t dump them ever. They will give you the added confidence and encouragement that you need. Who knows, you’ll could take down that annoying bully gang of hot shots, together?
How to Look Hot – Step 6
The last and most important step is to “not compromise”. Each individual has his/her share and set of principles. It is these principles that define the school of thought and way of life. In fact, it is these principles that make each one attractive and lovable in his/her own way. So, do not compromise on your principles, come what may. These principles will be what you are respected for, so don’t let go of them. Any opportunity that requires you to “drop the principles”, is not worth it!
These steps are very important in being hot and loved for it. It is essential to be a good person from within, to be truly hot! I am sure your questions like “how to look hot?”, ” how to look hot at school?”, ” how to look hot for a boy?” and “how to look hot for guys?” have found their respective answers in this article. Always remember, being hot gives you power and with great power comes great responsibility!