
Kadhafi says he won't go

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kadhafi pledged to "liberate and purify" rebellious areas and called for new "revolutionary committees" to be set up in cities like Benghazi, which appear to be under rebel control.
He declared that “nobody can stop this historic march” of his "green revolution” and accused foreigners of lying to Libyans about the current stormy events.
In an apparent reference to Islamists, he criticised “bearded people”, as well as lashing out at the US and the Nato military alliance.
Demonstrators have taken drugs and “attacked barracks like mice”, he said.
They are young people copying Egypt and Tunisia, the Libyan leader said, adding that “sick people” have infiltrated the protests and handed out drugs, arms and money.
He called on his supporters to launch counter-demonstrations, "saying that "all who love Moamer Kadhafi" should "come out of your houses".
Describing his opponents as "cockroaches", he condemned the revolt in Benghazi and Derna, calling for them to be taken out of their hands.
Although at one point he said he would not use force again, Kadhafi declared that the penalty for rebelling against the state is death.


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