
Web Advertising Benefits

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Web advertising is amongst the quickest ways to reach a larger consumer base, unlike the print media, which is most of the time, confined to the local population. Some of the most common benefits of web advertising are given below.
  • Consumer Specific Marketing: Consumer specific is amongst the popular reasons, why people choose Internet in order to advertise their products. Users who are interested in your product, will search for it on the Internet. This would yield them relevant articles and therefore, relevant ads. It would help them know the product better and therefore, chances are high that they purchase it, through the Internet.
  • Accessible Anytime: Internet is never closed. It is open to everyone, all the time. Therefore, the advertisement would be displayed 24x7.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Web advertising is cost effective. This is because fluctuating economic conditions, lead to fluctuations in the web advertising rates. Also, in case of cost-per-click campaigns, advertisement impressions are free. Companies advertising their products only have to pay, when the user clicks on their banner.
  • Instant Transactions: Many users prefer buying products on the Internet, as it enables them to initiate instant transactions. The user can inquire about the product immediately and further purchase it, then and there itself.
  • Instant and Improved Statistics: Measuring web statistics is easier than measuring it with other media. Through clicks, the company can come to know, which type of ads are frequently seen by the users and which advertisements led to an inquiry or purchase. The time spent at each banner, could also be easily measured.


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