
Best Soccer Player of All Time

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Net, Goal on the Field, Who is the best of them all? If the goal posts of all the major soccer stadiums in the world were to speak, I wonder who according to them would be the best soccer player or in the world? It is going to be a toughie of a question, I am sure. But for some time let us imagine that the goal posts of the best and most popular stadiums in the world are giving their opinions. Who, would be the king of the soccer pitch according to them? That is who is the best soccer player of all time in the view of Mecca(s) of soccer?

World's Best Soccer Players of All time

Well, this will be fun. Just think if the goal posts were to come alive and tell you that 'phhoff' , this guy gave me a hard time! Who would be the players, amongst best soccer players of all time?

Old Trafford, UK Says
Sorry for being biased ladies and gentlemen, but to me, the person who has made me proud, but as battered as ever is Mr. Beckham, yes, our dear and favorite  I wish he plays more in England! Never mind. So Mr. Beckham has hurled the ball at me umpteen times and with pin point precision, let me tell you guys! Excellent footwork and game reading skills, make this former England national team captain and a honored  an player top of the tops.


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