
The Growing Popularity of Men’s blue tie

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
There is no man on this earth perhaps whose wardrobe does not flaunt a mens blue tie . Be it a formal wear or an informal party wear, blue ties can go with all. About menswear, it is said that tie completes the look of a man. But regarding colors, men are too choosy. That is why it has been observed that other colors do not get to sneak into the men’s’ wardrobe too often as blue ties get to. Traditionally ties were considered to be a part of the formal wear. But with the evolution of men’s wardrobe, now it has almost become a daily wear. Even casual shirts can also be teamed with a casual tie. It makes you look smarter with just a little effort. Choosing the right tie for the right occasion is very important. Experts say, before you master the art of this choice making, you should not fall for ties. As a matter of fact, no one would care a bit what tie you are wearing if it is the right one. But if it looks out of place, you will never be spared of severe criticisms for your poor choice of dressing.
Moreover, if the goof up takes place in the interview board, you may land up compromising with your job. Mens blue tie is perfect for all occasions. You can flaunt it in your office, in front of your interview board members and also in any night party. But, now days men are no more restricted to manly colors like black, blue and brown. In their choice of ties, they have bent towards green and mostly pink, which has always been considered as a confirmed girlish color. But fashion gurus advice, before you become adventurous with the colors of your ties, know their implications well. Since, green is a color symbolizing envy, never wear a green tie while you are going to face an interview board.
Chances are that they will think you quite envious by nature and simply strike your name off for your attitude, indirectly expressed through the color of your tie. But if it is an office party and you have got a soothing off white shirt, you will be applauded for the mens green tie round your neck. It is the same tie that can jeopardize your career in a situation. You have to only understand the differences of the situations. If you are adventurous enough to take pride in your green tie, then why not go for a pink one? Get a mens pink tie for yourself and team it with any light and sober color. You will find that you have created a niche for yourself amidst the crowd of blue and black 'tie'd men. The contemporary fashion ties for men will be incomplete without the mens skinny tie. This tie is rather unpopular in the serious minded class of executives. Rather, these slim ties are for boys and boyish men as these ties bring out their funky attitude.


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