
Are Shoes Changing How We Run and Walk?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Technology is advancing at an incredible rate these days and not just in the form of gadgets, even footwear has escaped technological advances.
New technologies in the footwear industry are being strongly supported by online and high street shoe retailers from the eco-friendly production methods of Timberland Boots to the new styles of footwear technology from companies such as Reebok and FitFlop. These new technologies aim to improve muscle toning through building slightly adjusting the way our muscles work when we walk. The money invested in R&D for these brands has been massive and the results extensive.
However, a recent study conducted by Daniel Lieberman from Harvard University has suggested that even the most basic of footwear has impacts on the way walk. Dr Lieberman's study involved filming runners with slow motion cameras whilst they ran on highly sensitive scales, giving him an insight into how the runner’s foot struck the ground as they ran. This analysis allowed him to show that those runners who ran barefoot may be at less risk of certain types of injury than those who wear cushioned running shoes.
However, he urged people to not make a radical switch to a new style of footwear or running technique. More damage would be done to the body in the long term if runners were to switch to barefoot running without proper training to help them absorb the shock. Traditional trainers absorb the shock on the heels by spreading it out across the sole.
Recent breakthroughs in footwear technology such as the Reebok Easytone work to distribute this shock and use it to aid the toning of calf and other leg muscles.
The same can be said of FitFlops Boots, which use a slightly different tactic to encourage the muscles in the leg and lower back to work harder. This study highlights the dramatic impact footwear can have on the way you walk and the impact upon your legs and overall health. It is important to make an informed and well researched decision when looking for a new trainer to undertake performance exercise in.
So footwear such as the Reebok EasyTone and Fitflop boots offer style, comfort as well as the fitness and health benefits. The nature of the hectic lifestyles experienced by many people, means we are constantly seeking ways in which to combine activities. Fitness footwear gives you an added work out whether it’s walking down the street or around an office.


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