
Healthy Food Combinations

Monday, June 6, 2011
According to Kosher food system, the `lamb should never be cooked in its mothers milk", effectively, meat and milk should never be eaten together. This may have started as a religious dictum, but actually has roots in the wisdom of the ancient men. Meats and milk cannot be digested together, so it is not a good idea to eat them together. Eating them in one meal will cause indigestion, toxins and putrefaction of the food. What better way to stop their men from committing this mistake did the ancient Jews have, than to have religion forbid it? Similarly, the people of Eastern cultures believe that eating fish with milk causes deadly diseases, which may or may not be true but certainly helps to keep people off milk and fish combines.

It is a scientific fact that different food groups are digested differently, in different places in the system and using different chemicals, even different times. So in order to have a digestive system running efficiently, it is a good idea to check out what we are eating with what. Some of our foods, like starchy groups require an alkaline environment while certain others, like protein foods, require an acidic medium (Hydrochloric acid) to complete digestion. If both are taken in one meal, the stomach cannot digest all the food, and the result is a sodden, sorry chemical reaction that takes away all the digestion we need, the food eaten having done nothing but caused toxification of the system. Undigested food rots inside the stomach causing release of toxic gases, and over a long term, causes serious disorders, the roots of which we may then be unable to trace. Constipation, nervous disorders and a slowdown of the general metabolism is bound to occur.

According to a recent study, an average American male carries about five pounds of undigested, putrefying red eat in his digestive system. Now imagine keeping 5 pounds of red meat in a dark damp corner of your kitchen, day in and day out, letting it rot. Got the picture? That’s his stomach.
To combat these situations, the following guidelines must be kept in mind while planning a meal:

1. NEVER eat starch and acids (sugars such as juice or fruits) in one meal. For instance, white bread and citrus juices cannot be digested together. Fats and sugars (fruits) should not be mixed in any one meal. Simply put, one should never eat cereals, bread, potatoes or other such foods with berries, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, or other acid foods.
So there goes the classic English breakfast, as well as the All American one.

2. Proteins (nuts, seeds, dried beans, dried peas, peanuts, lentils, milk, eggs, cheese, flesh foods) and carbohydrates (potatoes, lima beans, mature corn, winter squash, artichokes, chestnuts, yams, pumpkins, grains, carrots, beets, coconuts) should not be eaten in one meal, and there should be only one kind of protein in one meal. The protein based foods will excite acids in the stomach while the starch or carbo- foods will start the alkalis flowing, and any chemistry student can tell you that the two will instantly neutralize each other, forming a watery solution, digesting neither. The food then rots inside while we are happy we have a full stomach.

This rotting food is the cause for all kinds of problems, the main ones being digestive stress, including gas, heartburn, cramps, bloating, constipation, foul stools, bleeding piles, colitis, and so forth. Medicines will only give temporary relief and till the system clears out the garbage accumulated inside, nothing will be cured. The blood stream will absorb the toxins produced by putrefaction, pass it on and the result is allergies, hives, headaches and nausea.

3. Desserts at the end of the meal are a BAD idea. They cannot be digested after all the carbohydrate and protein intake, lie on top of the bulk of your food and do not get digested, creating fermented alcohols, vinegars and acetic acids.

4. Melons should never be eaten with any other fruits or foods. They cannot be digested with anything else.

5. Good combinations include proteins with low starch or green veggies, for example, meats and leafy vegetables or low starch veggies. Green leafy vegetables can also be digested with starchy vegetables (rice and spinach).

6. As far as fruits go, never mix acid fruits (orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, strawberry, pineapple, tangerine, lemon, lime, and kiwi) with sweet fruits (banana, dates, raisins, papaya, fresh fig, grapes, persimmon and other dried fruits). They cannot digest together.

7. Fruits should preferably be a separate meal, but tomatoes can be combined with low starch vegetables and oily proteins like nuts.

8. Milk cannot and should not be eaten with meat, but is a good combination with fruits, except citrus fruits). In fact, traditional meals containing toast, eggs, bacon and milk are one of the most toxic food combinations that can be eaten. The stereotype of steaks mashed potato is a complete no-no and can cause more damage than anything else.

9. For drinks, wine (red or white), should never be drunk with ale or beer, but a shot of whisky or gin is not so bad.


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