
Calories in Cream of Tartar

Friday, June 10, 2011
Among the many magic ingredients that help in fixing the various physical aspects of food, cream of tartar is one name that comes to the rescue, and has been effectively molding food in its best texture and form. Let us know more on cream of tartar first. Cream of tartar is also known as potassium hydrogen tartrate, potassium acid tartrate, potassium bitartrate. It is a type of acidic salt, which is a result of combining potassium hydroxide and tartaric acid. Half neutralized tartaric acid when blended with potassium hydroxide makes this acidic salt. Tartaric acid is found naturally in grapes, and the cream of tartar is usually the remaining sediment in the barrels of wine, which is scraped off. This sediment is then purified, that gives you fine white powder, that is called the cream of tartar.

Among the many some of the most common ones are - it is used in egg whites to give them more of volume, it is also used in desserts and sugar creams, candies and other delicacies to create a smooth and creamy texture. Some of the commercial foods also have tartar cream, like in baking powders, bakery products and gelatin desserts. It is also used in some photography products, while also being used for cleaning copper and brass vessels. With so many uses, it is also wise to know the composition of the nutritional facts of tartar, and most importantly the calories in cream of tartar. Let's check the facts below.


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