A computer is made up of several different components, and each of these components contribute towards the functioning of the machine. People who assemble machines together and people who have sufficient knowledge about the working of a computer will be well aware about the many differences between the various computer parts, but there are still many people who are uneducated about such things.
The very first thing that any prospective computer buyer wishes to know about a machine is how fast it will run, and there are a few specifications that he should look at in order to get a better idea about the performance of the machine. Two of the most important components for this purpose are the processor speed of the machine, and the amount of RAM on the machine. If either of these specifications are low, the speed of the machine will suffer as a result, since they both play a complementary role in determining the performance of the machine.
Processor Speed vs RAM
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Speed vs RAM,