Low Red Blood Cell Count
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Red Blood Cell,
Red blood cells (RBC), also known as erythrocytes or red blood corpuscles are responsible for carrying oxygen to all body tissues. They travel in the blood flow through the circulatory system. Erythropoietin (a hormone) is responsible for regulating the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin; oxygen carriers, which is also a pigment that gives the red color to these blood cells, hence the name. They are found abundantly in the blood, almost making up approximately 45 percent of the blood. They are biconcaved, round and flat in shape, which they can change as they squeeze through the capillaries, they lack cell nucleus and most organelles. As they carry the all important oxygen, which is essential for the smooth working of the body, a low red blood cell count is considered as unhealthy and a cause of worry.