
How to Look Hot

Thursday, May 19, 2011
All through this list, I am sure that the one word that ruled your mind was… hot.. hott.. hottt!!! Well, its true, this is a list of a few of the world’s hottest men and women (my favorites actually)! Since this article is on how to look hot, I figured we better gain some perspective first!
If you notice, all of these above mentioned individuals do not fall in any specific body type or appeal. They are just hot, period. Basically, before trying to answer the question, how to look hot, one needs to know, what is hot? Hot is 98% state of mind and 2% personality. Seriously, I am not kidding you! Your “rack” or “butt” has little to do with you being hot or not. Let’s face it, Paris Hilton? negligible bust, but she is one of the world hottest women! So lets now get down to solving your très important question, “How to look Hot?”. Follow these simple steps.


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