
Foods Good for Lowering Cholesterol

Friday, May 20, 2011
Cholesterol is required for the normal functioning of the body, and it is produced by the liver. Cholesterol itself is not bad, but when cholesterol level shoot up in the body it can produce many health problems and complications. Cholesterol is a wax like substance and it can be divided into three main types. HDL cholesterol also known as good cholesterol, LDL cholesterol known as bad cholesterol and triglycerides. When the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides increase in the bloodstream it causes plaque or fatty deposits in the arteries, which increases the risk coronary diseases. This risk increases manifold if a person is also suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and is obese. Although medications form an important role in lowering cholesterol levels in the body, there are some other ways in which you can lower cholesterol. Changing your diet to a low fat one with greater focus on foods that lower cholesterol will help to a great extend. Proper diet along with moderate physical activity is the key to lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Here we are going to discuss about foods good for lowering cholesterol.


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