
Benefits of Prepaid Credit Cards

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The concept of prepaid credit card, which is quite often mistaken with a common debit card, has been around for quite some time. The two concepts have some common features and definitions, but the real fact is that the prepaid credit cards have some great features which debit cards don't have. A genuine problem or let's say an ironical fact that is present in the name of the card itself is that it is a 'prepaid credit card'. A credit card, as the name suggests, is a card or rather an instrument which tends to extend credit to the user. The credit card company bears the burden of expenditures paid for through the card. At the end of the month, or after credit card's bill arrives at our door step, we owe the company the sum total of all expenses, an obnoxious APR (Annual Percentage Rate) and in some cases, a brilliant fine of late payments may also be included in the bill.

In the recent recessional crisis, there were several credit card debts incurred by normal credit card holders. Fact is as of today, the common consumers of United States are suffering from burns of the recession, with the two key problems being:
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iPad 2 will sport dual cameras

Reports apparent today from an iPad 2 supplier that affirm that Apple’s next-generation iPad book will accommodate advanced and rear-facing cameras. The address reaffirms rumors that accept existed back the summer, anon afterwards Apple alien FaceTime alongside the iPhone 4.
FaceTime is a video chat service for iPhone 4 and the newest generation iTouch. It makes sense, of course, that Apple would want to expand the service to include the iPad, which continues to sell extremely well. Apple is expected to begin manufacturing its next iPad, commonly referred to as the “iPad 2,” early next year. A launch is expected in March or April.
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Play Guitar For Fun Or Fame

When it comes right down to it, why do you want to play guitar? Is it to look cool and be a rock star? Is to get girls or impress the guys? Is it to make millions of dollars with hit records? Your motive will be the key to your success in learning to play.
I started out wanting to look cool. Way back in the Sixties I would look at guitar players like Brian Jones from the Rolling Stones, Roger McGuinn from the Byrds, Paul Kantner from The Jefferson Airplane and of course John Lennon from the Beatles. And then in the Seventies it was rockers like Peter Frampton, Jimmy Page, Lindsey Buckingham and others who inspired my image of the cool rock guitar star. But all that fantasy didn't make me a great guitar player. At some point I had to get serious and really learn how to play the guitar. It wasn't as easy as my favorite rock stars made it look. What I found though was that I had a creative passion deep inside me that took me beyond rock star fantasy. I had the creative burn to make music going on inside me. And when I finally learned how to play, that creative river was released.
Don't wait for a desperate moment to decide to learn how to play. I had joined a band when I was in college as the lead singer. At that time I hadn't learned how to play the guitar yet. I was going to be the next Mick Jagger. Unfortunately Steven Tyler beat me to it. But at that time I relied on the guitar player in our band to come up with the riffs and the melodies and I'd just write the lyrics. That was OK until he quit the band. I was devastated. And that's what drove me to get a guitar and learn how to play. But you don't have to wait for your desperate moment to decide to learn to play.
If you have the passion to create music deep inside of you, then act on it. It doesn't matter if you ever become famous and sell a million records. The sheer joy of playing music is priceless. It is impossible to describe what it's like to be in the song riding the melody effortlessly with your instrument. And if you never pursue it and find out for yourself, you'll regret it. Make up your mind to take on the challenge. It will take work and discipline. But once you get started you will soon make progress. The music that is inside of you will start to flow.
So how do you get started. Here are two simple tips to help you get started. First, get yourself a good acoustic six string guitar. This is where you learn the basics. You can move on to the electric guitar later. Second, get yourself some good instruction.
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Learn to Play the Piano the Right Way

It used to be that when you wanted to learn the piano, it was common sense to hire a piano teacher. Today however, there are so many resources on and off the Internet about how to play the piano that taking formal lessons almost seems like unnecessary expenditure. There are even excellent kinds of software out there that allow you to learn the piano by yourself. Still, there are many advantages to taking private piano lessons that you won't get when just learning to play alone.
Advantages of Taking Piano Lessons
Sure, the most highly sophisticated software out there can teach you important things like positioning your hands in a rounded way and sitting correctly at the piano but it can't teach you how to shape proper technique. Building piano technique is something only a teacher can help you do as his trained eye can see the relation of a particular student's physiology and psychology and their effect on his piano playing. For instance, he can immediately identify tensions when you're dealing with an arpeggio, and instantly intervene to correct them.
It's also very advantageous to have a piano teacher when learning fingerings. You may end up making things unnecessarily harder for yourself if you try to figure out fingerings on your own. An experienced teacher could teach you many ways by which you can execute a difficult passage in a musical piece, taking into account your physical attributes and current skill.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of taking piano lessons is that you learn to express emotion through your music-making. Remember that music is not just about translating sheet music into something audible. It's primarily about expressing yourself and moving your audience with a meaningful performance. No software can make you deeply appreciate such wisdom-only a teacher can.
More Things to Consider When Playing the Piano
Piano teachers may differ in their requirements but one thing's for sure: they'll require you to have a fully working, full-sized, tuned acoustical piano or an electronic keyboard. If you don't have an acoustic piano, your teacher may encourage you to invest in one because there's no substitute to learning the nuances of this musical instrument.
There's nothing wrong with taking at home provided the environment is completely free of distractions. It's your choice whether to schedule regular practices or not, although practicing regularly at fixed times is definitely advisable. But don't worry if you're busy and your schedule doesn't permit such regular practices because you can always work something out with your teacher.
Chances are, you'll be surprised at how fast you can learn to play the piano when guided by an experienced, certified piano teacher. All it takes is passion, hard work and dedication and you should be able to execute excellent pieces of piano music that you never thought you could do. Don't hesitate to start taking lessons because you could be missing the experience of your life. If you love music, that's already a giant step in itself toward becoming a great piano player.
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How to Buy a Violin for Beginners - 3 Easy Steps

Finding out how to buy a violin for beginners does not need to be difficult but it can take time. The violin is a hard instrument to learn and play well and it can lead to many beginners giving up quickly, which is something that you have to think about before you decide to go out and buy your own instrument and opt to spend hundreds of dollars on one.
1. How Much Are You Willing To Spend?
The first thing that you need to consider when looking for how to buy a violin for beginners is your budget. You could spend around 800 dollars for a new, high quality violin but you do not need to spend this amount. It is possible to buy a second-hand violin for less than 200 dollars and this is something that you should consider if you are worried about your or the person that you are buying it for not staying on with playing the instrument.
2. Have You Checked eBay?
There are always people looking to sell their violins and eBay is one of the best places to find some that are high quality but low in price. You want to check the seller reviews before you agree to bid and you will need to stick to your budget because you will also need to consider any fixes that you may need to make.
3. What Size Do You Need?
Violins come in three different sizes, which is perfect for children. However, it could cost you a lot of money to buy the violins as your child grows. You should consider cutting your cost down to only buying a full size violin if you know that you child will continue to play for a long time. If you are unsure, opt for the half or three-quarter size so that you really only need to buy two different violins and your child will get a lot of use out of them.
You will need to ensure that when looking for how to buy a violin for beginners that you budget for any extras that you will need. Not all violins will come with a case and a bow, so you should find out whether you will need to buy these. You will also need to bear in mind the need for rosin and extra strings for your musical instrument and add the cost of these to the amount of money that you are willing to spend.
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Circle Of 4ths And 5ths - Writing Songs Part 1

This is the first in a series of articles that will show you how to write better songs using the circle of 4ths and 5ths, specifically how you can create good sounding chord progressions quickly.
Although it's good to try to be original when writing music there are certain rules which you can follow in order to make your music sound better and more memorable. In order to use these rules you need to know the circle of 4ths and 5ths and the different ways in which you can use it. So the first thing you must do is use the diagrams I've provided to memorize the circle.
In order to write a chord progression that sounds coherent you want to have chord movements in 4ths and 5ths about 50% of the time. This means that half of the time you want to have chords played in sequence that are only one step clockwise or counter-clockwise around the circle of 4ths and 5ths.
An example, if you're writing a song in the key of C and C is your first chord (tonic) then the next one will be G (5th away from C) or an F (4th away from C).
Another way to find a good chord progression is as follows. Find the 7 chords for the key of C wich are C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim. Now write the progression in order of 5ths (just look at the circle of 4ths and 5ths and see in which order they appear clockwise around the circle). You'll get: C, G, Dm, Am, Em, Bdim, F. Now it's time to write a chord progression using this order of chords.
Start with a C, then jump along to any point in the sequence, for example Em. Then just play the chords in reverse order back to the C. So the chord progression you'll have created is C, Em, Am, Dm, G and then back to C. But you don't have to play every chord on the way back to the tonic chord C (the chord in which key the song is). You can skip some like in this example: C, F, Em, G.
This   will come in handy when you feel that your chord progressions sound aimless and not coherent and it's especially important to consider at the end of verses and choruses when you want to set up the song for the next section.
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For Those Who Think They Cannot: How to Become an Artist

Bottled up within all of us is a part of our soul that needs to be expressed creatively. Have you wished you could do art? I'm here to tell you, that you are and can become an artist. It's a matter of finding something that you find fulfillment, appreciation and most importantly, something that is enjoyable. Now is the time to abandon your pity party and unleash your talent.
Below is five steps on how to free yourself from doubt and becoming the artist you've dreamt of becoming!
Taking Action:
1. Believe in Yourself.
Firstly, you must believe in yourself. You are your toughest critic, if you believe you cannot, this will manifest into just that. Plain and simple. Your confidence will translate into your art work. People are like stained glass windows, they shine when light hits them, but it is only when darkness sets in that you have to find the light within.
2.Ask yourself what do you love doing?
What feeds your soul? I once came across an artist who took pictures of toilets (he must have just really loved toilets). This can include anything; from painting, sculpting, scrap-booking to taking pictures of toilets! In essence, dance to the beat of your own drum.
3. Become a mental warrior.
I don't mean grabbing your machete and going off into battle. What I mean by this is accepting that sometimes things will come out crappy. Allowing yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. This warrior mentality (Oorah!) will enable you to be this much closer (If I could show you how close I would!) to becoming a mental warrior. Disappointment is inevitable, but only temporary.
4. Accepting Criticism.
This can be one of the hardest things to becoming an artist. Criticism will remain constant throughout your career. Sometimes it is hard to not be disappointed in yourself. However, remember that art is subjective. Harsh critics will be lurking everywhere, multiplying like gremlins in water. Criticism can be beneficial in some cases. For instance, maybe your technique could use some polishing. So take criticism with a grain of salt.
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Clay Beads - Making A Bracelet

Once many people have purchased their clay beads they are unsure about what to do next. Most people want to make a piece of jewelry but they my not know how to get started. In this article I want to show you how to make a bracelet. This is one of the more simple places to start and will be a great way for you to begin your journey in this new hobby.
1. Make a plan.- The first thing you need to do is plan out the plan for what you want your bracelet to look like. You need to think about the purpose your jewelry will serve. Will it be casual, professional, or formal? You need to decide what type of material you will use for the wire. Will it be metal, plastic, or leather? You need to decide what types of clay beads you will use. This will include thinking about color and also what pattern you will put them in. You also need to decide if you are going to add charms of any kind onto your bracelet. This is a necessary yet fun part of the process as you get to dream big about what could be.
2. Work the plan.- Now that you have a plan you need to get to work. You first need to measure the wire you chose and cut it to the right lenght. Then you want to either put a clamp on one end or tie a knot of some kind. This will keep your beads from falling off. Now you can start adding your beads in the pattern that you chose. lso, do not forget to add your charms in the right place if you chose to use those.
3. Evaluate and then add the finishing touches.- Now you need to look at your bracelet and decide if you are happy with it. Did the pattern you put your clay beads in turn out as you had hoped? Did the charm work out well? Will your bracelet fit and serve the purpose that you made it for? If you are happy with all these things then you can add the clasps and you are finished. There are many kinds of clasps and knots that you can use. If you are not familiar with these then I encourage you to look online for video tutorials on how to use each of these or go to your local beading store and see if their are classes that you can take. This is process is not difficult but there are more details and options than can be mentioned here.
Now you are finished. You have taken your beads and made a work of art. I hope this article has been helpful and that you have enjoyed the process. Keep up the good work and enjoy being a part of the jewelry making world.
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3 Keys To Connecting With Teenagers - Surviving Adolescence

Anyone who has the privilege of mixing with teenagers, whether as a parent or teacher, will realize that it can be challenging. As a high school teacher with over 30 years experience and the father of four children who were all teenagers in the same year, I know something about this.
We tend to give teenagers a lot of advice but what they really need from the authority figures in their lives is more like coaching in the form of
  • affirmation,
  • encouragement and
  • unconditional love.
This is not to say that, as a teacher in the classroom faced with a rebellious, unruly mob or a parent about ground their offspring for the term of their natural life, discipline is out of the question - it just has to be administered in an affirming, encouraging and loving way.
If your natural demeanor is to be fair, prepared to listen, kind and compassionate, then the discipline is accepted more gracefully. One student, for example, shook my hand at the end of a lesson during which I had disciplined him. You'll even find that some potential confrontations just won't happen.
I wasn't always a positive teacher - a Christian teacher yes, but I didn't always apply Christian principles to my day to day teaching style. When I did and applied the three principles mentioned, the results were amazing.
We all need to be affirmed but this is particularly true of those in their adolescent years when it's all hormones, turmoil, having friends (losing friends) and being cool. Throw in a few assignments due next week and keeping their room tidy (easier for the naturally meticulous teens but almost impossible for others) and it all gets a bit much at times.
Affirming teenagers is giving an honest appraisal of their innate worth and abilities. All of us are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. Everyone has unique talents and abilities.
Some talents and abilities are more obvious than others - a great singer or academic, for example - but everyone is gifted in some way. Take every opportunity to build your teenagers up. One time, after congratulating one student for a sensational performance in a school singing contest, another student asked, "Was I sensational too?" I assured her that she was and I could tell from her smile that she believed it.
At the school where I last worked a student told me after I had described her work as amazing that they all appreciated any encouragement they received. Each student had a diary not just for recording important events and homework but it also had a section where teachers could write good comments (merits) and bad comments (demerits). Although there was only one line allocated for each merit, I got into the habit of writing several lines for each one which included words like "brilliant", "amazing", "the best" and "sensational."
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A Complete Study in Writing Good Articles for SEO - Part II

Try to use a really strong article description
When you write your article description make sure you use your main keyword in the description and to use supporting keywords (LSI) so that the search engines will index your article correctly. By doing this it will help with your search engine rankings.
What on earth does LSI mean?
Latent Semantic Indexing. Right, what exactly does that mean? LSI can also be referred to as Latent Semantic Analysis and it is basically a method to identify relationships or patterns between words. Most search engines use this method to help categorize your articles but more importantly the engines expect other associated keywords that are related to the main subject or topic.
I have mentioned in Part 1 about the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. It's a great tool for finding keyword combinations and associated keywords (LSI). There's a free tool for finding these word sets at Google Sets all you need to do is type in a few keywords and it will output relevant keywords to the one you typed. You can then use these keywords in your article. By doing this you will not only enrich your article but also provide relevant keywords that the search engines expect to find within it.
For example. Go to Google Sets and type in article, writing and SEO. Here is what the helpful tool gives you. A list of great keywords that you can use in your article.
writing, article, SEO, web, tools, search, Google, free, software, web2.0, reference, business, design, tips
marketing, web design, Ajax, blogs, tool, online, programming, cuss, JavaScript, social, blogging, rss, webdev, tech, community, technology, development, html
How cool is that? Now you can insert a few of those keywords within your article. You don't need to use keyword stuffing, just use this tool and you can add natural enriched sentences to your article that will appeal to your readers but also the search engines.
What about my article Title?
The article title is absolutely KEY; it's the most important part. You need to spend quite a bit of time making sure you get this right. Most readers will take a few seconds to make up their mind either to read your article or not so the title needs to GRAB their attention. If you don't get their attention then they will leave your article for good.
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Formal Business Report Topics

Business world is diversified into innumerable sectors. Be it accounts, finance, marketing, advertising, logistics, management, human resource, IT or operations - each of these departments have tremendous potential to grow. Business report topics can be concerned to problems or innovations pertaining to any segment of the business world. Have a look.

You are a business analyst of company that is a globally renowned steel manufacturing firm. As a part of its expansion plans, it is considering to invest in third world countries and provide employment to millions of people who are still out of the general economic structure of the world. Suggest business threats and benefits for your company and explain how globalization is impacting the inclusion of third world countries with the developed and developing countries.

Your firm is a leading web based company in terms of website traffic. Discuss how can marketing and advertising on social media help to improve its customer base. Discuss the methods that will be most profitable in the long run.

You are an investment banker in a leading US bank. The company plans to open its new branch in an Asian country. You as an Asian has been chosen to analyze how other banks have been performing in that country. You are also expected to give a detailed account of competition and opportunities in the same country.

You are a newly recruited IT manager cum analyst in a bank. The bank has decided to go digital in all its business aspect. You have to design an adequate plan for the shift from manual to digital. You are expected to include all details in the report as to how it will be done. Internet security is the major concern of the firm.

The world is going paranoid about the fact that PC will be obsolete within four to five years. Smartphones will rule the market in the coming years. As a strategist for a desktop manufacturing company, analyze market opportunities in the coming years. Suggest strategies to stay competitive in this domain of business. Separate facts from myths by stating as why the PCs are going to stay for long, even if smartphones are the latest trends.

You are an MBA student majoring in information technology management from an elite B-School. As a competition in an international business seminar, you have been asked to prepare a business report regarding cloud computing.

Almost all companies are willing to include employees at all levels in the decision making process of management teams. You are expected to analyze what can be some of the most suitable methods to do this. Based on your analysis, suggest the best method.

A 15 year old FMCG company is planning to choose a new logo for its business. As a brand manager, suggest some best logos and analyze how it will represent the changed identity of the company in today's world. Discuss all facets of the logo change, right from budgeting to how it may impact the growth of the company.

The wellness industry is booming in the Asian countries. You, along with your 2 friends are willing to make an entry in the spa business. All three of you hold a management degree in hospitality management. Prepare a report to analyze all dimensions associated to the industry.

You are an HR manager of a small business company, employing 50 to 60 people. While the business has been growing consistently, the issue of employee retention has been a cause of concern. Analyze some ways to retain employees and suggest some tips to the management for improving employee satisfaction.
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Personal Cash Flow Statement

In the corporate world, a cash flow statement is a document which comprehensively, states the receipt and payment of cash. A corporate cash flow statement usually comprises of what are known as a revenue-expenditure elements, indicating the inflow and outflow of cash. In such a business or corporate cash flow statement, the three principle elements: cash flow from operations, cash flow from investing activities and lastly, cash flow from financing activities are depicted. Problem is, you cannot follow the same format while making a personal statement. In such a context it is better to replace the first category with 'cash flow from personal income and expenditures' and the last category with 'cash flow from assets'. The following is an explanation as to how to prepare the statement and also, how to classify your expenditures and incomes in accordance with the said following categories.

It must be noted that you can prepare the cash flow for any given time period, which is also known as accounting period. It may be a day, week, month or even longer periods such as quarter (three months), 6 months and an entire year.
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Perfect Homecoming Dresses

  • If you are sure you would be chosen as a contender for the homecoming queen event, then a showstopper dress is something you would surely need! Got a great tan? Get a short homecoming dress that shows off your legs. A cool halter back can be great for those ladies who have broad and toned shoulders and back. You don’t always have to wear what is in fashion!
  • If there is no particular dress code, you can even opt for a vintage style dress. These lend a beautiful touch to an event due to their long sweeping overall look.
  • You should always choose a homecoming dress that suits your body shape and personality. The idea is to highlight your assets and enhance your positive traits.
  • Accessories can add another dimension to the homecoming dress. A stunning accessory can change even a plain old boring dress into an interesting ensemble!
  • If you don’t really have the budget and are on the lookout for cheap homecoming dresses then you can use your creativity to the fullest and even create one at home. If you are a good seamstress or if you have a friend who can help, use some of the ideas available online to create something new and unique! Perhaps, you may even set a trend!
  • Always remember your look is never complete without an appropriate hairstyle. Read more about homecoming hairstyles and updos.
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Ideas for School Outfits

It is tough to be on a fashion budget when you are a student but style does not have to be expensive. A stylish jean jacket or a sassy scarf or boots is all you need to make a statement with your school outfit ideas. The following are some cute outfit ideas for school.
Look 1: A cropped leather bomber jacket, a graphic tee, long wrap scarf and skinny jeans are a perfect choice for a casual chic look for school. If the weather allows then add a pair of knee high boots to complete the look.
Look 2: Accessories can make or break an outfit. Fashion accessories for teens are a great way to make a simple outfit stand out. For example, wearing a black tee with a dark denim jeans, low slung belt with an over sized turquoise necklace will make you stand out. This is a simple way of adapting teen fashion into your outfit ideas for school.
Look 3: A colorful hoodie with a cute denim mini skirt, fitted top and bright sneakers. This is one of the most classic trendy outfit ideas for high school students. If you are not comfortable in a mini skirt, then you can always try a knee length skirt.
Look 4: For a trendy gypsy look, wear chino trousers (low rise trousers which are a little baggy but still chic) with a fitted embroidered peasant top. To accessorize, throw on a few colorful beaded bracelets and a pair of semi dressy kitten healed sandals.
Look 5: Another idea for school outfits is a gray or cobalt blue sweater dress with black leggings. Complete the look with suede ankle boots, wooden or silver bangles and stud earrings. This style will definitely be a head turner. Read on for more ideas on outfits with leggings.
Look 6: If you have a strapless summer dress and you have pushed it at the back of your wardrobe, you can wear it to school with a white tee under it to give it a more casual look. Complete the look with a blazer and cute sandals with a big bag. For more ideas read on summer dresses for teens.
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