• Masks
Useful to tighten the muscles around the breast and blood circulation.
How to use: Apply a liquid mask on the top and bottom of the breast. Let dry. After that, wipe with a soft warm towel. Use it twice a week, before bed.
• Firming Cream
Helps tighten skin, and elasticity back sagging breasts due to various factors. With regular use, the breasts look more firm and solid.
How to use: simply by applying a thin layer of the skin surface of the breast. Do twice a day, every morning after showering and at night before bed.
• Moisturizers
Changes in body weight, age, or after delivery to make breast sensitive skin becomes more dry. Use a moisturizer specifically for the breast to restore smoothness and moisture skin.
How to use: wipe the entire surface evenly to breasts as she gently massaged. Use every other day, at morning and evening.
• Gel
Regular massage can help improve the slack and wrinkled skin of the breast. Massage done with a gel containing olive oil.
How to use: Apply gel evenly and then do a light massage about 2-3 minutes. Use twice a week for maximum results.
Care in Salon / Beauty Clinic
1. Fat transfer through acupuncture
Fat transfer is the treatment of breast enlarge breast by removing fat from the abdominal area, arms or other body parts, using the technique of needling (acupuncture). How it works is to put a needle acupuncture at points of nerve function and shocked her with electric conductive aid equipment. In this treatment done usual combination of acupuncture with needles and using lasers to speed up the fat removal process. Can also be done only with regular acupuncture, but the process becomes longer.
Furthermore, care at home can make a herbal-based supplements, but it is not mandatory.
Stages of Care:
1. Do prior consultation with a trusted physician acupuncturist.
2. With the consent of the patient, the doctor will determine which parts of the body has more fat content to be distributed to the breast area.
3. Laser tool attached to the body of excess fat (eg abdomen), and then pulled toward the breast. Point to 'lead' the fat (fat transfer) to the part. This process is carried out for 10 minutes.
4. Performed at the needling process that has been in the laser. Conductor machine needle connected by electric current. Point to "lock" the process of fat transfer done previously with the laser. This process is carried out for 15 minutes.
5. For maximum results, fat transfer process should be performed 1 time per week as many as 10 meetings.
2. Pumping Bust Treatment
The function of this treatment is to establish and fill the collagen tissue within the breast. Performed by using the bust serum containing essential oils can stimulate prolactin hormone glands to grow and produce more milk network.
Stages of care:
1. Breast measurable advance in order to monitor progress at each treatment performed.
2. Compression with a warm towel which aims to relax the muscles - the muscles and blood flow around the breast.
3. The skin around the breast is cleaned with ginseng cleansing milk with a mild massage.
4. The skin around the breast smeared with massage serum specific follow-clockwise and outward movement of waste to be felt a warm effect on the skin surface.
5. Whole breasts smeared mask, except around the nipple. Masks are allowed to absorb into the skin to 25 minutes.
Conducted 6 stimulation or stimulation for 10 minutes against the gland prolactin by using micro-current of devices such as transparent twin bowl placed over both breasts. Point to stimulate the growth of collagen and stimulate both breasts simultaneously.
3. Bust Therapy
Breast therapy can remove dead skin cells around the breast and stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells and firm. Therapeutic uses radio frequency technology.
Stages of Care:
1. A measurement of breast height is measured from neck to nipple. Useful to control the quality of care.
2. Clean the breast using a cleanser with the help of OCP (Oil Cleansing Pad) to remove dead skin cells and clean up the remnants of cleanser.
3. Conducted massage to facilitate blood flow around the breast. Time cream pija cleaned with warm towels.
4. vibrate the breast with a similar gear vibrator for to 'raise' the breast.
5. Lifting the dead skin cells by means of micro peel or Microdermabrasion. Breast milk is cleaned again with cleaning.
6. Use the tools FTD (Flash Toning Device) to stimulate the formation of collagen for skin elasticity breast can be preserved.
7. smearing C-Serum (serum lightening the color of the nipple) in both breasts with a brush. Settling for 10 minutes. Then both breasts wrapped bust vitamin mask for 20 minutes.