
Love Qutoes

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Love, like a river, will cut a new path
whenever it meets an obstacle.

- Crystal Middlemas -
Love is like a mustard seed;
planted by God
and watered by men

- Muda Saint Michael -
There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.

- George Sand -
You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.

- David Levesque -

Winter Moonlight

The snow, so peaceful and serene,
caressed by the soft moonlight,
gave magical feelings to the night.

The soft blue glow,
the lovers' words that then did flow,
their lips closer and closer
until, locked in the throes
of a passionate embrace,
he decided to express his feelings,
to keep her safe.

He whispered softly,
his words like music to her ears,
"I Love You,"
and her response the same,
heard like the gentle breeze,
"And I, love you, forever."

That was the night they promised
to be together through everything,
each to care for the other when old and gray.
A lovers' pact
the most likely to last.

- Krista J. Mikula -
Love is strong yet delicate.
It can be broken.
To truly love is to understand this.
To be in love is to respect this.

- Stephen Packer -
What Is It That I Love?

If asked why I love her I would say
It’s the sway in her hips,
the thickness in her thighs.
It’s the lust in her lips,
the love in her eyes.
It’s the softness of her skin,
the silk in her hair.
It’s the twist in her walk;
it’s the sweetness in her talk.
It’s the way she loves me
that makes me love her each day.
That is what I would say.

- Justin Hutchins -
The Magic Of Love

Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!

- Helen Steiner Rice -
When you love someone,
all your saved-up wishes start coming out.

- Elizabeth Bowen -
Marriage is not a ritual or an end.
It is a long, intricate,
intimate dance together
and nothing matters more
than your own sense of balance
and your choice of partner.

- Amy Bloom -
We sat side by side in the morning light
and looked out at the future together.

- Brian Andres -
Love feels no burden,
thinks nothing of trouble,
attempts what is above its strength,
pleads no excuse of impossibility...
It is therefore able to undertake all things,
and it completes many things,
and warrants them to take effect,
where he who does not love would faint and lie down.
Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbereth not.
Though weary, it is not tired;
though pressed, it is not straitened;
though alarmed, it is not confounded...

- Thomas A. Kempis -
Love is like a mountain,
hard to climb,
but once you get to the top
the view is beautiful.

- Daniel Monroe Tuttle -
Love is not blind - It sees more and not less,
but because it sees more it is willing to see less.

- Will Moss -
Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds
and warming your soul.

- Author Unknown -
Love Survives

Time to share is always there

I peered thru life
Ever avoiding strife
But now am undone
My barriers broken
For one has found me

Reached in and unbound me

Her love has burst my bonds
And set music to my songs
Her need for me
And mine for she
Has made my Winter Spring

A new start
With hammering heart
We color the world with our dream
Nothing is as it did seem
The darkness of my solitude is done
She - my rising sun.

- Robert K. Charron -
To the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world.

- Bill Wilson -
She's Walking Down The Aisle

She's walking down the aisle
With a smile as pure as honey
A gust of wind as smooth as silk
A glimmer of hope
A ray of light.

She's walking down the aisle
With lovely clothes of crimson red
A look of a saintly figure
A voice of an angel
A silent whisper.

She's walking down the aisle
With eyes as deep as the sea
A song of the morning bird
A divine vision
A picture of paradise.

She's walking down the aisle
Like clouds floating in the sky
Like an angel ascending from heaven 
Like a drop of rain in the desert
Like a promise never broken.

She walks down the aisle.
She asks me a question.
I have no words to answer.
And time stands still...

- Sikandar Razzaq Bughio -
When She Walks By

Eyes so dark
Heart so pure
I could never love another
The way I love her
Gleam in her eyes
Like a candles flame
I love when I hear her
Call out my name
When she walks by
Birds stop their flight
The dead come to life
And the blind regain their sight
I could never love another
The way I love her
Eyes so dark
Heart so pure

Skin so soft
Soul on fire
She fills me with
Complete desire
The way she moves
The way she looks
One glance at her
Was all it took
When she walks by
People stare
At her radiant face
And her ebony hair
She fills me with
Complete desire
Skin so soft
Soul on fire

Perfect body
A scholar's mind
Michelangelo would envy
Such a find
Beautiful smile
Always sincere
Whoever's around
Wants her near
When she walks by
Angels weep
Gods hide their faces
And lovers leap
Michelangelo would envy
Such a find
Perfect body
A scholar's mind

- Patrick Possanza -
My Sweet

My sweet’s embrace grabs hold
of something deep within my soul.
Her magic touch soothes my heart
and fills an empty hole.

My sweet’s kisses are so soft and gentle,
more exquisite than fine wine.
Her slender fingers course through my hair,
sending shivers down my spine.

My sweet’s gaze I dare not meet too long,
although it may be bliss.
For in her eyes of ocean blue,
I may fall into the abyss.

My sweet‘s an earth bound angel,
whose wings she had to shed.
If my sweet be my true love,
then my true love has hair of red.

- Andrew J. Cohen -
Tags:Romantic Love Quotes, Love Quotes, top 100 Love Quotes, top 10 Love Quotes, cute Love Quotes, Love sayings, love quotes, love sayings, quote love, i love you quotes, love quotes sayings, love you quotes, quotes and love, about love quotes, cute love quotes, love saying, famous love quotes, quotes for love, love quotes and sayings, funny love quotes, love poems quotes, quotes of love, short love quotes, i love you sayings, life love quotes, true love quotes, best love quotes, cute love sayings, love friendship quotes, love sweet quotes, quotes love is, inspirational quotes love, life and love quotes


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