When I was in elementary school, I used hate my teachers, my friends, my brothers who called me Itik. They said, was the proper term for me, because I was talkative, noisy builders in class and always the culprit. kwek..kwek..kwek..
I hate called as Itik, I am even angry and cry when my friends called me with this title. But when I was more in angry and I cry they more incentive to make fun of me. Finally, I had to be silent and resigned.
In my mind, that duck is something bad, ugly, not good and stupid. When my teachers and my friends call me like that, I felt like I was stupid, ugly and overall is not sexy.
As time went on, it turns out that the nickname was also missing, until my Junior High School and High School my name is still called as Itik.
But Now, I feel something different when I called Itik at the moment with the current elementary school. Now I'm actually proud of the nickname as ITIK Bali.
In my opinion, That's name is symbolizes beauty, intelligence, sexy and elegant.