As you may know, Aromatherapy is the use of volatile liquid parts of plants, which are called essential oils, for various natural treatments. It is a holistic alternative therapy that has been used since antiquity from all major civilizations and its popularity has been increasing recently.
Cellulite is the dimpling skin found especially on thighs and sometimes on tummy, back of arms and bottom which looks lumpy and ripply. While it is harmless, cellulite discomforts female population especially in summer time. Almost every woman (even the slimmest ones) has cellulite to some degree. It is believed that cellulite is not only fat, but accumulation of fat, fluids and toxins which are trapped in the skin, owing to weakening of the connective tissue.
Cellulite is caused by numerous reasons. Upon the whole, cellulite is genetically inherited from mother to daughter and related with female hormones and their changes. Cellulite is magnified during pregnancy, menstruation and estrogens therapy. Estrogen hormone plays the major part in determining intensity, formation and expansion of cellulite condition. Men’s lack of estrogen hormone, is the reason why men don not have cellulite on their body. What is more, diet poor in fibre, rich in fat and salt, smoking and inactive lifestyle contribute to cellulite aggravation.
Keep in mind that there are many things to do to reduce cellulite, but nothing can eliminate one hundred percent the “orange peel” surface of female skin at affected areas. Just to name few, increasing body exercise, decreasing fat income and sugar, drinking many cups of water, avoiding coffee and eating fruits rich in C vitamin, are suggested for combating cellulite. In this article we will present you some aromatherapy tips that can help you remove cellulite.
Essential oils can assist with anti-cellulite treatment in two major ways: Reducing body toxins, waste matter and imprisoned liquids and enhancing blood circulation. The essential oils that are used most for cellulite therapy are Juniper, Citrus, Rosemary, Lemon, Lemongrass, Grapefruit and Geranium oil. Bath and especially massage are the most effective Aromatherapy uses for a successful cellulite cure.
Add 5-10 drops of your favourite essential oil in your bath water and stay in it for at least fifteen minutes, once a week. This time allows essential oil to penetrate your skin and its diuretic and circulation boosting action to be more effective.
Aromatherapy massage is probably the most useful alternative method for treating cellulite because it is applied directly to the affected part of skin and encourage body detoxication and blood circulation. Carrier (or base) oils from various vegetables are used for essential oil dilution. Appropriate carrier oils for massage are among others, Avocado, Jojoba and Almond. Remember to follow carefully the safety rules for essential oils uses. Otherwise, you will run the risk to irritate and harm your skin.
Aromatherapy is not only a delightful and refreshing activity. It is beneficial for a lot of health conditions including skin diseases like cellulite. Using the right essential oils in bath and massage you can regenerate skin cells and reduce the toxins and fat that turn into cellulite.